keep up on the pillow talk
High tech heater
A brand new, high-efficiency, on-demand gas water heater. No more keeping tanks of water hot 24/7 for work that happens only a few days a
Things move quickly once you have water.
This will be where all our washers are installed. Pipe testing And along the back wall it will be new, high-efficiency gas dryers. This
We’ve hit water!
Thankfully not literally. We managed to find the incoming water pipe, right about where we figured it would be, except for one major difference. It
Our chance to take out some frustrations on a wall.
We need to join the two old offices into one room for sewing. That means a door and window must die. A little bit of
And now the work begins…
Let’s start whipping this place into shape. First item on the agenda… Where oh where is the incoming water pipe? Sadly, the original building plans
The new workshop before we got our hands on it.
We’ve found a perfect location for our new workshop! It’s closer to transit and to our seamstress so she can cut her commute in half.